Porscha Dillard | Off The Chain Alliance

What city and country is your business, nonprofit or project located in?
Inland Empire, CA
Describe your business, nonprofit or project, and the products and/or services you offer?
Bereavement 501(c)3 Nonprofit Organization 

We provide wraparound services for grief and funeral poverty for disenfranchised minority families.
Are you Caribbean or African, or of Caribbean or African descent? If you are, please tell us details.
Caribbean descent. West Indian on my maternal side.
Do you think your Caribbean or African upbringing/heritage has impacted your work? If so, please explain how.
The heart of gold and thoughtfulness of my ancestors has transmuted into my organization and strategy.
How does your work positively impact culture + community?
It’s hard for disenfranchised minority families to live and it’s even harder for them to die. Founding Off The Chain Alliance was to help alleviate the disheartening effects of death and grief. Funeral poverty is a social issue that needed a call to action.
What message of hope or inspiration would you like to share with other women in our community who are also pursuing their dreams?
I heard a quote and never forgot it. It said, “Don’t let nobody put a ceiling on your sky.” It’s been inspiring me ever since.
Link to Your Website (if applicable)
Links to Your Social Media Pages (if applicable)
http://www.Instagram.com/offthechainalliance or http://www.Facebook.com/offthechainalliance
How should potential customers and persons interested in networking & partnerships contact you?
Email or Direct Message

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