Nmasichi Chukwuemeka | TribesAndHistory LLC

What’s the name of your business, nonprofit or project?
TribesAndHistory LLC
What city and country is your business, nonprofit or project located in?
Describe your business, nonprofit or project, and the products and/or services you offer?
We are an African storytelling platform and we bring African history, mythologies, folklore and tales to mainstream media
Are you Caribbean or African, or of Caribbean or African descent? If you are, please tell us details.
Yes, I am ethnically Nigerian
Do you think your Caribbean or African upbringing/heritage has impacted your work? If so, please explain how.
Yes, because it prompted me to start my business
How does your work positively impact culture + community?
We are building a community of lovers of African stories and we hold events where we have discourse around this topic. Here is a link to our community channel https://join.slack.com/t/tribesandhistory/shared_invite/zt-2tpk184c3-qnjcn58Lv1HWSoEM8F02uA
Link to Your Website (if applicable)
Links to Your Social Media Pages (if applicable)
How should potential customers and persons interested in networking & partnerships contact you?
Via email

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