Vania Lorvanis | Evolair Beauty

What’s the name of your business, nonprofit or project?
Evolair Beauty
What city and country is your business, nonprofit or project located in?
Clifton, NJ
Link to Your Website (if applicable)
Links to Your Social Media Pages (if applicable)
Describe your business, nonprofit or project, and the products and/or services you offer?
I create safe solution-focused hair products for diverse hair types using plant based ingredients.
Are you Caribbean or African, or of Caribbean or African descent? If you are, please tell us details.
Yes, born in the USA to a Haitian mother and Dominican father.
Do you think your Caribbean or African upbringing/heritage has impacted your work? If so, please explain how.
Definitely! Although I was born in the US, I was definitely socialized with a Caribbean upbringing, holding close to cultural and traditional values and beliefs that impact my work. I grew up learning that you can heal your body and stay healthy through the plants created by the creator. I live in a society where toxins are permitted in our food, clothing, feminine products, and personal grooming products. I’d like to use my knowledge and expertise to create hair products that won’t cause damage to the neural endocrine system of the people who use them, especially Young Girls
How does your work positively impact culture + community?
I am caregiver. I have been in healthcare for many years, providing treatment and education to underserved populations, it is my purpose.
How should potential customers and persons interested in networking & partnerships contact you?
Via email
What message of hope or inspiration would you like to share with other women in our community who are also pursuing their dreams?
Be steadfast, and don’t give up regardless of the naysayers and those who try to cast doubt.

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