Helen Pearman Ziral | Sistering Narratives

What’s the name of your business, nonprofit or project?
Sistering Narratives
What city and country is your business, nonprofit or project located in?
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Describe your business, nonprofit or project, and the products and/or services you offer?
Black women gathering to share their narratives in two volumes.
Are you Caribbean or African, or of Caribbean or African descent? If you are, please tell us details.
African descent
Do you think your Caribbean or African upbringing/heritage has impacted your work? If so, please explain how.
Bringing similar stories of lived experiences to the world.
How does your work positively impact culture + community?
It inspires, encourages and supports Black women in writing their truth.
What message of hope or inspiration would you like to share with other women in our community who are also pursuing their dreams?
We are strong, we are resilient, we are courageous, and we are hopeful.
How should potential customers and persons interested in networking & partnerships contact you?
hpearmanziral@gmail.com & ritaew@gmail.com & atqmanni209@gmail.com

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