Alicia S Grey | Be Empowered Counseling Services LLC

What’s the name of your business, nonprofit or project?
Be Empowered Counseling Services LLC
What city and country is your business, nonprofit or project located in?
Boston, MA USA
Link to Your Website (if applicable)
Links to Your Social Media Pages (if applicable)
Describe your business, nonprofit or project, and the products and/or services you offer?
I provided mental health counseling for Caribbean and African clients who are struggling in their family dynamics as well trying to find the balance between cultural/ traditional values while forging a path forward into their own independence.
Are you Caribbean or African, or of Caribbean or African descent? If you are, please tell us details.
Yes, I am of Caribbean descent. I was raised in Jamaican. My family is Jamaican
Do you think your Caribbean or African upbringing/heritage has impacted your work? If so, please explain how.
Yes it has. I have first hand experience on how cultural has impacted me as an individual and it has allowed me the ability to relate/ provide support to clients who are struggling in similar ways.
How does your work positively impact culture + community?
I think my work positively impacts culture and community because it helps clients to find the balance they are looking for. Clients learn how to embrace their culture and navigate the difficult parts that they may be struggling with. When one feels proud of their culture they are more inclined to share with their community.
How should potential customers and persons interested in networking & partnerships contact you? or

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